Ticker Factory

Wednesday, December 8, 2010

Christmas Decorating

I made this snow family a few years ago.  This year they were in bags alongside the four boxes of my purged belongings that I had ready to be donated when the Diabetes Clothesline picked up in November.   I guess this is why I ALWAYS have something to donate when they phone ~ I always seem to hold something back to keep for a little while longer.   For now, these happy snowmen are the only Christmas decorations that I have put up. 

Right now the wind is howling and I can hear our shovels and garbage cans banging about outside - a southern Alberta phenomenon known as a Chinook.    Warm winds can make a 20 degree change in the temperature in a matter of a couple hours.  This one is not so drastic as it wasn't that terribly cold.  Its a shock though when you take the dogs out at night and it is -17 or thereabouts and when you let them out again in the morning it is +3.

Larry and I have have both caught colds and are very unmotivated; lethargic even.  Too bad I hadn't gotten all of my Christmas cards and letters finished and mailed before this hit.  Thankfully the parcels I had to mail were done a day or so before this hit. 

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